Smoky Elestial Fenster Quartz Soul Energy Necklace With Double Terminated Lightkeeper, Ancient Advanced Crystal
Nytt, vakkert og kraftfult råkrystall med spesiell Røk-kvarts krystallanheng med kjede...Leveres med kjede inntil 60cm og mitt energiarbeid..
NB ! Design, farge og størrelse på stenen varierer da dette er natursten...
~ Spiritual Growth ~ Soul Energy ~ Healing
Key words: Energy infusion from the higher realms, Divine love, angelic communication, grounding the Higher Self in earthly life

This one-of-a-kind necklace is made with a rare Fenster Quartz Crystal. Fenster crystals are a very, very high-vibrational variety of Quartz. The name Fenster comes from the German word for window, as they are known for their many windows and openings on the face of the crystal. These crystals are powerful for furthering your spiritual growth and finding your soul’s path and purpose. When you run your fingers along the windows, it is said that you will gain information about your life purpose. It helps you to connect with your “soul energy” so that you know you are on the right path. Fenster Quartz also helps to bring your chakras and energy field into balance. This crystal piece is very, very special—you won’t find anything like it anywhere!
"The appearance and energies of Fenster Elestial Lightkeepers seem to be a cross between Elestial Quartz and Herkimer "Diamonds". These exceptional crystals are facilitators of visionary experience and connection to higher realms. They stimulate the third eye chakra, engendering visual perceptions of the normally invisible worlds of Spirit. Like other Elestials, they are among the most powerful means by which the energy patterns, information and love from the entities of the higher planes can be translated and transferred to human beings engaged in physical life on the Earth. In addition, they can act as access keys to inner libraries of spiritual knowledge.
The "interdimensional" qualities of these stones are quite pronounced. In mediation, one may use them to travel to the angelic realms, as well as the domains of one´s spirit guides. They can be very powerful tools for the shamanic journeying and soul retrieval, allowing one to go back to the key moments in the life or lives of oneself, or one´s client, in order to recover lost parts of the soul. Such work can facilitate profound healings, and those who do such work, or wish to do so, are advised that Elestial Lightkeeper crystals can provide powerful “medicine." Source ~ Robert Simmons
The key crystals will have a three-sided or six-sided indented shape located on the crystal. This indent becomes narrower as it goes within the crystal and ends within the crystal, usually in an apex termination. The Key crystal is used to unlock the “doors” to healing concepts and to those aspects of the self which tends to be illusive. It can assist in accessing that which is hidden in any situation. It further helps one to answer questions like “why can’t I…?” Key crystals can assist in analytical problem solving. Placing the crystal on a textbook, which contains the information necessary to arrive at a solution, has stimulated the inner knowledge of the answer.
Record keepers manifest themselves as triangles on the body of the crystal. They are shapes signifying the holy trinity and the divinity of the universe and store the secrets of consciousness. Record Keepers contain special wisdom. They represent storage devices and the information is accessed via a portal (through the Record Keeper marking).
A growth crater is a crystal that at one time had another crystal(s) attached to one of its sides. The missing crystal left behind a crater-like depression. These crystals symbolize our capacity to detach, let go, and continue on.